While the credit card cash advance has earned its bad reputation, when used wisely, it can be used to achieve financial freedom. You can use the money for investments like a down payment on an investment property, to pay off credit card debt, to deepen your personal growth, or to use in an emergency.
The credit card cash advance is another tool in the toolbox to help one down the path to financial freedom when used in a productive manner. There are countless sources of cash, but by far, the best one to utilize for your business is ... other people's money (OPM).
Perhaps one of the greatest "secrets" of the richest people in the world is summed up in those 3 words: Other People's Money - OPM for short. If you took a cross-section of the most affluent business people, you'll find that the majority of them launched their fortunes using OPM, and make money your servant.
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